52 good reasons to take singing lessons!
Do you want to take singing lessons? If so, it is a beautiful decision! I’ll tell you why:
Not only do lessons lead to better technique, but they enrich your life in other ways!
Musicality – singing lessons develop your musicality
2. Singing lessons can help you develop your musical feeling. The voice is produced by our body, making it the most natural instrument in the world. Every person has an individual timbre and can produce different colors. There is no other instrument in the world with so many possibilities.
3. You can sing alongside other instruments. You can sing with instruments such as the piano, guitar or organ; you can sing in an ensemble, in a band or even with an orchestra.
4. You learn how to intonate precisely.
5. Singing lessons are the best way to learn how to phrase musically.

Well-being/Psyche – Singing leads to more well-being
6. You become more confident. By expressing your feelings through your voice, you get to know yourself better and can build more self-confidence.
7. Singing fights depression. I have often experienced my students come into singing lessons bent, only to chirp out again.
8. Singing makes you happy! I’m sure you’ve caught yourself humming when you’re happy, but the same also occurs vice-versa.
9. Emotional world expands. The characters of the protagonists do not necessarily have to correspond to yours. They can feel and consider sensations that they may not have experienced before. New perspectives open up.
10. Learning to let go. You can’t learn music purely intellectually; when you have too much on your mind while making music, you will be stiff and firm. Another kind of concentration takes place. Relax internally so that the musical phrases can flow. This also creates a more beautiful sound.11. Voice and psyche are strongly connected. You will realize that many of the things you notice in your voice are also reflected in your personality structure. This allows you to work on yourself during singing lessons.